Financial FixHER™

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What's Left When the Tide is Out?

This is the most important paper we'll ever hold, exchange, and share. Our Money.

It's called currency, because it flows through our fingers and through the world like current. The tide comes in, and the tide goes out. What's left of our beaches when the tide is out? Is it clean and organized, with hard-packed sand so we can take a relaxed walk with no disruption? Is it like the destruction of a hurricane, leaving confusion on where to start the cleanup process? Or, is it simply needing a little TLC to make it beautiful?

I personally hit rock bottom a decade ago. But, this never happens all at once. It's the combo of long-term financial mismanagement that leads us to these risky vulnerable positions. Don't let the hurricane take everything (Metaphorically speaking). 

There is no shame in coming from rock bottom, after a number of financial mistakes. It can lead to tremendous growth!
This is speaking to all the single Moms, you are not alone. And anyone staring down the barrel of the student loan crisis, whether before or after racking up the loans, help is out there. And for all those with BIG expenses looming, such as weddings, trips, home purchases, car purchases, etc. Before swiping the card or signing another loan doc, think about pre-planning, so your future self can look back at you fondly with gratitude instead of regret.

Much love & peace.