A scene from my Movie:
My beliefs about myself as a child and young adult, impacted my behaviors and EVERYTHING in my path. This kept me broke and in traumatic fear. As a single mom, it was a recipe for disaster!
At Twenty-nine I was left indigent after the worst traumatic experience of my life. I escaped the grips of a wealthy abusive narcissistic sociopath, and had to start life over again.
By Thirty, I was a proud graduate of USF College of Business, with a Bachelor of Science in Finance. BUT, not without a big fat pile of student loan debt to go along.
As if that wasn’t enough for a “ring the bell” tap-out…
By Thirty-two my home was taken by the bank, and I had to move my daughters out within a week’s time.
My turning point came a few years later believe it or not, in 2014. I had gone from making 40k/year to 80k/year from one year to the next. NOTHING had changed with my bank account, and my debt balances weren’t any lower. THIS was my wake-up call. I was ready to answer the call, and listen to anybody else, but ME. Because Lord knew I had yet to get it right. The common denominator in my money mess was ME!
There comes a time when we need to STOP and START!
I stopped listening to the advice of my broke family and friends.
I stopped spending my money mindlessly.
I stopped saying yes to the things I couldn’t afford.
I stopped enabling others to take advantage.
I stopped using debt to supplement lifestyle.
I STOPPED caring about outside judgement.
I started listening to the advice of financially independent millionaires.
I started discovering tiny daily habits that would compound for good.
I started setting and implementing healthy boundaries for myself and others.
I started planning my work, and working my plan.
I started implementing a budget, and tracking every penny I spent.
I started paying off my debt.
I started to become a more present mother and human.
I started caring about my future and legacy.
I STARTED to win with money!
AND... Somewhere in between all the stopping and starting, I met and married the man of my dreams, had a handsome baby boy, and created a beautiful life.
In October 2019, I started financial consulting on the side. I did not sell my services. I only told the truth about my mistakes and recovery, and people started asking for help. So I helped.
In mid-2019, my now Husband and I put a plan in place to get me out of my “soul-sucking” Corporate Traveling Manager gig.
In June 2020, I exited that stable 6-figure income, to first and foremost be available to my babies. And secondly, build my brand, write my book, and devote myself to this mission driven business WITHOUT desperation... Only motivation.
Fast forward to my connection with clients now. Many of my clients see themselves in pieces of the mirror image of "ME" seven years ago. Therefore, that is the Girl I'm talking to. Is she YOU?
Here we are today:
I'm a Spending Behavior Strategist, Leader of Money Mindset Community for Women, and Host of the Financial FixHER Podcast!
Guiding Women in their Journey to Financial Independence is my Jam! It gives me OXYGEN to help women get UNSTUCK and create OPTIONS with their Money! I share my financial trauma stories with the world to help Women BELIEVE that they can get out of their money messes, EXECUTE on their goals, and be the BOSS of their life and FUTURE!
Stick with me Girlfriend, it’s going to be a fantastic ride!