Financial FixHER™

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Waiting to Launch?

Happy Friday Friends and Money Managers. 

Yes I know... This Pandemic is stopping many of us in our tracks. 

"When you make progress, you want to keep going. When you break progress, you want to stop."

- James Clear

Once the COVID Crisis started shutting down the Nation, it started to shut down it's people. It feels for many, that all progress is lost. Including me! But NO! I've decided I'm going to continue doing what I love. And that's writing, and sharing my story to help people get out of financial hardships, and win with money. It brings me joy. And we must continue to do things that bring us joy.

This is not meant to be insensitive to the Heath Crisis, and the scared people all over the world. This virus is serious, and should be taken as such.

BUT, regardless of my opinions on how this should be handled by you, me, or the government, life must resume. With caution of course.

Wherever you're at emotionally, mentally, or financially, there are things you can do to stay sane, and out of the darkness of depression. 

3 Little Ideas:

  1. Phone a friend. And I don't mean just one. Reach out to 10 friends today. Old friends, current friends, past colleagues, etc... 

  2. Start that thing that brings you joy. Whatever it is you were in the middle of working on before this all started, keep going! If you have to Pivot your ideas or plans, that's OK. So does the rest of the world... if they intend to make it through this.

  3. Take Inventory, create awareness. Audit your situation. And if finances are of concern, do the math. Write it ALL down. Income, expenses, and debts. List them. Know where you stand as of TODAY. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. TODAY. Then you'll have a place to start. 

Lots of Love,

Amanda DeLaney
The Financial Fixer