so many Women feel the same as you do! And without a clear path and ACTIONable steps to follow, breaking free from financial trauma and check-to-check lifestyle can seem impossible!


When I was BROKE and staring down the barrel of massive debt (100k to be exact), I knew I needed to do things differently than ever before, because “my way” wasn’t working for me! I needed help from other mentors who had a proven system that I could understand and implement right away, and stay the course.


This is why I created the Financial FixHER Program. For Women like YOU who are ready to Break Away from BROKE for Good, and Write a Legacy worth Leading!





Sneak Peak

Here’s a Sneak Peek at what you get in the Masterclass and Beyond:


BreakTHROUGH the Barriers
Zoom Session 1

  • Discover what IS and IS NOT Serving your DREAM LIFE!

  • PinPoint what’s been slowing your money journey down!

BreakOUT of Financial Prison
Zoom Session 2

  • Break FREE from Lack of Clarity!

  • UNCOVER the Numbers!

  • PinPoint Your Map Dot for where to BEGIN!

BreakAWAY from BROKE & Into Your DREAM Zoom Session 3

  • The NEXT STEP to Resolve Your Biggest Problem with Your Money!

  • Plan Out Your Financial Redesign!

  • Learn HOW to get LASTING Results!

What FixHER Sisters are saying:


“I’ve been working with Amanda to better manage my finances for a little over a month now. I have to say that just by changing my mindset and implementing a few adjustments here and there, they have made a big difference in my income!”

“This was the best decision I’ve made so far hiring you! #gamechanger for real life! Getting my money straight has made me feel free and responsible and has helped me grow a ton!!! I love your program!”

“Amanda is the real deal! Look no further is you want to radically change your relationship with money, pay down credit card debt, actually start saving, and welcome greater abundance into your life. Her work is nothing less than transformational.”

tools and bonus items for you:

  • Interactive ACTION Guide Workbook! (value: $97)

  • Access to ALL templates included in class instruction! (value: $497)

  • ALL Class Recordings to download & keep! (value: $1497)

  • Follow Up Feedback 1:1 Coaching Session with ME (GRAD GIFT) (value: $997)

  • Extras for going ALL IN & Playing Full Out (value: $297)


about the founder

I’m Amanda DeLaney, the Financial FixHER. Guiding women in their journey to Financial Independence is my jam! It gives me OXYGEN to help women get UNSTUCK and create OPTIONS with their money!

In early 2015, I was a single mom and making good money as a sales leader. But I was still living check-to-check, in a HUGE amount of debt, with no budget and no plan for my financial future. I felt stuck, and wondered where the hell my money was going and why I didn’t feel in control. It wasn’t until I got angry at my financial situation and decided “enough is enough” that I started seeing things with a different lens. I got on a simplified plan, that allowed me to step off the check-to-check hamster wheel and take control of my finances. 

Within 4 years (Summer 2019), all non-mortgage debt was paid off (after a bunch of life happened, including cash flowing a home reno, an epic wedding in Bora Bora, a new baby, and so much more) and enough was saved in an emergency fund for me to leave corporate in June 2020. I’m now building wealth instead of racking up more debt, and helping hundreds of other Women do the same! 

Now, I'm OUT of the corporate grind, a present mom and wife, and free from financial burden. I have the framework to guide YOU to do the same! YOU can be the hero in your story… Follow along my love, you got this!

This is why I created the Financial FixHER Program. For Women like YOU who are ready to Break Away from BROKE for Good, and Write a Legacy worth Leading!

Not sure where to start?

Get full accountability & support to build the financial design aligned with YOUR DREAM LIFE!

This is for you if…

  • Have tried to budget before…but it just didn’t work.

  • Have tried budgeting apps…but you couldn’t make the habits stick.

  • Want to pay off debt…and you need a step-by-step plan to start.

  • Want to achieve financial independence…and you just need someone to show you the way.

  • You want to create a healthier relationship with your money


This is not for you if…

  • You’re not willing to be held accountable

  • You’re no ready to take action

  • Your way is serving your financial goals

  • You’re ready to take your finances to the next level by taking the ultimate journey to financial independence in a 12 month group coaching program. Join the Financial FixHER Academy HERE

  • You prefer more high-level intimate 1:1 coaching & support, click HERE to talk to Amanda directly about this.