Hey there friend!


I’m Amanda DeLaney, the Founder of Financial FixHER™. I’m on a mission to set my fellow Badass Women FREE from constant financial stress and worry. I understand that getting started with a budget for someone as busy as you are can seem impossible to do on your own. But I promise you it's totally doable with the right guidance. 

After I made, what seems like, a million attempts to clean up my money mess, I discovered that the problem wasn’t me or my intentions… It was my lack of CLARITY. Once I could clearly see the vision I had for myself as a Mother and a Professional, I was able to create an interactive budget that works for ME!

Within only 4 years I went from a struggling sales professional with a negative net worth, stuck in the painful cycle of living check-to-check, to a sales leader getting out of debt, to LEAVING the corporate grind all-together to be a FT entrepreneur!

Now I’m helping Women (& really sharp Men) in Business & Leadership, shorten the time it takes to STOP the cycle of living check-to-check, ditch big debt, and see positive gains in the bank account. I do this by teaching my FixHER Money Method™ to friends like YOU!

Amanda DeLaney

The Financial FixHER™




Join the Facebook Community for FREE Training with Amanda and get support from other women… just like you.

You don’t have to take this journey alone!


Ready to reset your money mindset?

Listen to the Financial FixHER™ Podcast!

LET’S TALK ABOUT MONEY! This Podcast is where I share the framework that WORKS! With practical and ACTIONable tips to transform your money and create a “Life With OPTIONS”. Lots of interviews with REAL WOMEN getting REAL RESULTS too. Enjoy!

Check out one of my latest Podcast episodes:


I’m here for you, friend, and I want you to have the life you deserve - without the stress of your finances weighing you down.

I have something for you. My FREE Mini-course will help you Breakaway from Broke in less than 90 minutes!



I get you,
because I was you.

In 2012, I was a single working mom, student and traveling sales manager, with a HUGE amount of debt, no budget and no plan for my financial future. I felt stuck, and wondered where the hell my money was going and why I didn’t feel in control. It wasn’t until I got angry at my financial situation and decided “enough is enough” that I came up with a plan that allowed me to step off the hamster wheel of life and take control of my finances. 

Seven years later, all of my non-mortgage debt is paid off, I have more than enough money in my emergency fund, and I’m now building wealth instead of racking up more debt. 

Now, I'm OUT of the corporate grind, a present mom and wife, and free from financial burden. I have the framework to guide YOU to do the same! YOU can be the hero in your story… Follow along my love, you got this!


Are you…


✓ Ready to get SERIOUS about your money?

✓ Feeling STUCK or OUT OF CONTROL with your spending habits?

✓ Ready to BREAK THE CYCLE of living paycheck-to-paycheck?

✓ Convinced you’re going to be in debt FOREVER?

✓ Ready to build WEALTHY HABITS and secure your financial future?

✓ Tired of going on this financial journey ALONE?

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