Hey there friend!
I’m Amanda DeLaney, the Founder of Financial FixHER™. I’m on a mission to set my fellow Badass Women FREE from constant financial stress and worry. I understand that getting started with a budget for someone as busy as you are can seem impossible to do on your own. But I promise you it's totally doable with the right guidance.
After I made, what seems like, a million attempts to clean up my money mess, I discovered that the problem wasn’t me or my intentions… It was my lack of CLARITY. Once I could clearly see the vision I had for myself as a Mother and a Professional, I was able to create an interactive budget that works for ME!
Within only 4 years I went from a struggling sales professional with a negative net worth, stuck in the painful cycle of living check-to-check, to a sales leader getting out of debt, to LEAVING the corporate grind all-together to be a FT entrepreneur!
Now I’m helping Women (& really sharp Men) in Business & Leadership, shorten the time it takes to STOP the cycle of living check-to-check, ditch big debt, and see positive gains in the bank account. I do this by teaching my FixHER Money Method™ to friends like YOU!
Amanda DeLaney
The Financial FixHER™

Ready to reset your money mindset?
Listen to the Financial FixHER™ Podcast!
LET’S TALK ABOUT MONEY! This Podcast is where I share the framework that WORKS! With practical and ACTIONable tips to transform your money and create a “Life With OPTIONS”. Lots of interviews with REAL WOMEN getting REAL RESULTS too. Enjoy!
Check out one of my latest Podcast episodes:
I’m here for you, friend, and I want you to have the life you deserve - without the stress of your finances weighing you down.
I have something for you. My FREE Mini-course will help you Breakaway from Broke in less than 90 minutes!
I get you,
because I was you.
In 2012, I was a single working mom, student and traveling sales manager, with a HUGE amount of debt, no budget and no plan for my financial future. I felt stuck, and wondered where the hell my money was going and why I didn’t feel in control. It wasn’t until I got angry at my financial situation and decided “enough is enough” that I came up with a plan that allowed me to step off the hamster wheel of life and take control of my finances.
Seven years later, all of my non-mortgage debt is paid off, I have more than enough money in my emergency fund, and I’m now building wealth instead of racking up more debt.
Now, I'm OUT of the corporate grind, a present mom and wife, and free from financial burden. I have the framework to guide YOU to do the same! YOU can be the hero in your story… Follow along my love, you got this!

Are you…
✓ Ready to get SERIOUS about your money?
✓ Feeling STUCK or OUT OF CONTROL with your spending habits?
✓ Ready to BREAK THE CYCLE of living paycheck-to-paycheck?
✓ Convinced you’re going to be in debt FOREVER?
✓ Ready to build WEALTHY HABITS and secure your financial future?
✓ Tired of going on this financial journey ALONE?